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Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993)
ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド(1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)

SERIAL KILLER WESLEY ALLEN DODD - Monsters Among Us Documentary 1992 - HD

Newsgroups: alt.true-crime
Subject: Dodd Diary--REPOST
From: "Gary C. King"
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 95 07:14:48 PST

ニュースグループ: alt.true-crime
件名 ドッド・ダイアリー--REPOST
From: "ゲイリー・C・キング"
Date: 金曜日, 23 Jun 95 07:14:48 PST

What follows is Westley Allan Dodd's journal, or "diary" as authorities called it, presented in its entirety. Begun in September 1989 and originally written in Dodd's own hand around the time of the Neer brothers' murders, the journal was found inside a briefcase he kept hidden beneath his bed along with a photo album containing pictures of himself and Lee Iseli as previously described elsewhere in this book (DRIVEN TO KILL;Pinnacle Books).
以下は、ウェストリー・アラン・ドッドの日記、あるいは当局がそう呼んでいた「日記」の全文である。1989年9月に始まり、ニール兄弟が殺害された時期にドッド自身の手で書かれたこの日記は、彼がベッドの下に隠していたブリーフケースの中から、本書 (DRIVEN TO KILL;Pinnacle Books).で以前に説明した彼自身とリー・アイゼリの写真が入った写真集と一緒に発見されたものである。

Although Dodd was intelligent and articulate, the author has opted to "clean up" the document with regard to occasional errors in spelling and punctuation, and to present it in typewritten form for the convenience of the reader. The document has not been altered grammatically or otherwise changed, nor has any of it been omitted. The dates appearing at the beginning of the entries are the dates on which Dodd made the entries.



Part One
How it Started
Chapter 1
September 23, 1989

On the weekend of my 9th birthday, my brothers and sister were in the hospital having tonsils removed (July 3rd). I stopped at my cousin Johnnies (my dad's brother's kid). John also had a cousin from his mother's side of the family. I think his name was Mike. John was a month older than I, and Mike about a month younger. The three of us were in John's room getting ready to go swimming in a 1-foot deep pool he had. John and Mike wanted me to watch something. They both pulled down their swim trunks, then touched their penises together. I don't remember what was said, but I ended up doing it with Johnny.



A few days later, at home, I remember pulling my swim trunks to my knees and crawling on my arms around our own little swimming pool. I remember feeling excited about it--"skinny dipping," I think is what they call it.
So, I had, at age 9, had one sexual experience with two nine- year-old boys, and one sexual experience while alone.

Also, that same summer, after a bath, I remember rubbing hand lotion over every part of my body. This gave me a warm feeling inside. I do not recall having an erection while rubbing lotion into my groin, crotch, and other things. (At this point I did not know what it was called. I'd never heard any of the terms used; i.e. dick, balls, penis, privates, secret parts,etc.)
また、その同じ夏、風呂上がりにハンドローションを体の隅々までこすった記憶がある。 これは僕に心の中で温かい気持ちを与えてくれた。 股や性器などにローションをこすりながら勃起した記憶はない。 (この時点では、それが何と呼ばれているのか知らなかった。 ディック、ボール、ペニス、プライベート、シークレットパーツなど、どんな用語も聞いたことがなかったのだ。)

At the end of that summer I was very upset, though I didn't show it, because I had to change two or three pairs of pants in front of mom and two or three aunts to show them my new school clothes. I didn't like them seeing me in my underwear.
その夏の終わり、僕は表には出さなかったが、とても動揺していた。なぜなら、僕の新しい学生服を見せるために、母と叔母の前でズボンを2、3組変えなければならなかったからだ。 彼らに僕の下着姿を観られるのが嫌だった。

This gave me a good start on the road of sexual deviancy.
This started in July of 1970. I had just turned 9 years old, and was preparing for the 4th grade, in Yakima.
With about a month left in the 4th grade, we moved to Umatilla, Oregon. I was unhappy at the prospect of moving again.

It had now been three years since I completed one entire school year at one school.
Now between 4th and 5th grade, my 10th birthday in July. At the end of July some people moved into the empty house next door.
They had two daughters; Vauna, my age (my class at school), and Darla, 8 or 9 years old.
One day Darla had an idea. It was something she had said she'd done before. Kathy (my sister, four years younger than I) and I went into Darla's garage.

Back in the corner, Darla went first. Kathy seemed just as interested as I was. Darla pulled up her shirt a little, then pulled her pants, then her underpants, down to her knees. She stayed that way for about five seconds. That was just enough for me to ask her to do it again. I wanted to study her a little longer--I'd never seen this before. But she said it was my turn.

I was disappointed and frustrated when Darla wouldn't look and my sister did. Darla said she'd seen it before on other boys. This may explain why a lot of my future victims would be boys.
I don't recall any other incidents until the end of my 9th grade year, at the age of 14. I'd been teased by the girls, and by the boys in the locker room. Later on a counselor told me I may have been trying to "prove" I was a man. He also said that these incidents just mentioned were normal childhood experimentation.
ダーラが見向きもせず、僕の妹が見たとき、僕は失望し、イライラした。 ダーラは他の男の子でも見たことがあると言った。 このことが、僕の将来の犠牲者が男の子であったことの説明になるかもしれない。
僕は9年生の終わり、14歳になるまで、他の出来事を憶えていない。 僕は女の子たちからも、ロッカールームの男の子たちからもからかわれていた。 その後、カウンセラーから、僕が男であることを「証明」しようとしていたのかもしれないと言われた。 彼はまた、先ほど言及したこれらの事件は、通常の子供の頃の実験だと述べた。

Chapter 2

1976(Wes 15歳)

In March or April I remember seeing a picture (no details actually showing) in National Geographic. There were several naked men. I "snuck" five or six peeks at that picture over three or four days. My parents split up in June. I knew it was coming, and was relieved. It was about this same time my deviant behavior began.

As you will see, things started out as flashing, and got progressively worse until I tried to get a boy to go into an empty building with me three days before his 8th birthday. I hoped he would allow me to molest him (perform oral on him and crotch fuck him), but was prepared for a forced rape.


Fortunately, he knew something was up. I was found innocent of the charge against me, but was offered access to whom I believe is the best counselor in this type of business, and have had no problems since June 13,1977.
It's quite simple. The junior high I went to was three blocks from home, and let out fifteen minutes before the grade school, one block from home.


Mom and dad both worked. My brother and sister got home about ten to fifteen minutes after the grade school kids walked by our house.
So, at home alone, I'd yell "HEY" as younger kids, mostly 8-10 year olds, walked by. They'd look up and see me exposing myself from an upstairs bedroom window.


This happened eight or nine times over about a three month period. I flashed just one boy, or groups of up to five or six kids, if most in the group were boys. I never flashed just girls-- only when they were with a group of good-looking boys between 7 and 10 years old.

One day I flashed a single boy and he just stared as he slowly walked by. I thought he liked it. That night a cop told mom and dad someone exposed himself to a boy from this house.
Mom and dad wondered if it might be one of my friends. But that stopped the flashing. School was almost over anyway--there wouldn't be any more kids walking by.


I decided to take my flashing on the road. That way, if they told, they wouldn't know where I lived.
Around my 15th birthday I'd ride my bike around town. As I'd done three or four times already, I'd find a good boy or group of boys, then ride around the block. I'd pull my cock and balls out through my fly and hide them by pulling down my T-shirt. When I returned to the boy(s) I'd pull up the shirt and say, "HEY!"-- exposing myself. This happened eight or nine times.

15歳の誕生日前後には、自転車で街中を走り回るようになった。もう3、4回やったように、いい子や男の子たちを見つけては、そのブロックを走り回るんだ。パンツからcock and balls(チンコとタマ)を出し、Tシャツを下ろして隠す。男の子のところに戻ると、シャツをまくり上げて「HEY!」と言いながら、自分をさらけ出すんだ。これを8、9回繰り返した。

On one occasion there were three 9-year-olds and one 4-year-old. A couple of the older ones yelled, "Do it again!" as I passed them. I went back and stopped. I said, "I'll do it again if one of you do first." Right there on the sidewalk the 4-year-old pulled down the front of his pants. He only exposed his groin, but wouldn't do it again. They all said, "Now you again."

I took them into their yard behind some shrubs and pulled down the front of my shorts (I wore no underwear on these trips).
I said, "Anyone want to touch it?" The 4-year-old did and said,"Yep--it's real!" They all laughed, and the 4-year-old and two of the 9-year-olds agreed to meet me at a vacant field nearby that evening so I could do it again and show them some tricks (making it "bigger," "bouncing" it without touching it, and making stuff come out), and I might even teach them how to do it,but they never showed.


That was the last time I ever flashed a kid. One had touched me, and gave me a better feeling than just showing myself. I now wanted to be touched, not seen.
To put this in categories, Category 1 was flashing--no contact. I'm now moving to Category 2--them touching me.


Chapter 3

September 26, 1989
My problem was in getting a kid to actually touch me, and not scare them off. The answer came quickly. I found a group of six kids (three boys, three girls) in a school playground. I wanted to be touched badly. That want took out worries of location, numbers, or whether they were boys or not.

I asked them if they wanted to play a game. Yes they did,"What?" "Line up your backs to me, and I'll put something in your hand, and you have to guess what it is without looking."
I gave them a rock, then an ink pen. Then I said, "I'll have to hold the next one so it doesn't get broke." I reminded them not to look, and let each one wrap their hand around my cock for two or three seconds (they're all 8-9 years old).


None of them knew what it was when asked, but one boy said he might know, but he'd try again anyway. They each tried again,but still didn't know. I pointed to my now-covered parts and said, "This." The one boy said, "Yeah--I knew it!" I asked and the one said he'd go to a more private area and do it again, if someone else went, even if they didn't play again, but no one agreed. A couple weeks later, I hadn't found any more boys I could approach, so I settled on three girls. I went up to them.
訊かれても誰もそれが何なのかわからなかったが、一人の男の子が、わかるかもしれないけど、とにかくもう一度やってみると言った。彼らはそれぞれもう一度やってみたが、やはり分からなかった。僕は今覆っている部分を指差して、"これ "と言った。一人の男の子は「ああ--やっぱり!」と言った。僕が訊ねると、その子は、誰かが一緒に行ってくれたら、もう一回プレイしなくても、もっとプライベートな場所に行ってやると言ったけど、誰も同意しなかった。数週間後、もうアプローチできる男の子がいなかったので、女の子3人に絞った。僕は彼女たちに近づいた。

One, about 6 or 7, had a shirt on the ground. All were on some swings. I asked the topless one, "Are you a boy or girl?" She said, "Girl." The other two were 8 or 9. One said, "He just wants to see your kee-kaw."
6歳か7歳くらいの子が、シャツを地面に置いていた。全員、何かのブランコに乗っていました。上半身裸の子に "男の子? 女の子?"と訊いたら 彼女は "女の子 "と言った。他の二人は8歳か9歳だった。一人は、「彼はあなたのkee-kaw(キーカウ)を見たいだけなのよ」と言った。

They then, upon being asked, played the same guessing game as the previous kids. They said "yes" when I asked if they wanted to see "it." I said, "I will if one of you will." All three girls agreed the youngest would drop her pants. She started to run. I chased and caught her. She fell to the ground on her back. I got down on my knees, straddling her legs, and started to unsnap her pants. She started crying, and I let her go.
そして、彼女たちは質問されると、前の子供たちと同じように推測ゲームをした。僕が「"それ "を見たいか」と訊くと、彼女たちは「yes」と答えた。僕は「君たちのうちの誰かがそれをするなら、僕はするよ」と言った。3人の女の子全員が、末っ子がズボンを脱ぐことに同意した。末っ子がズボンを下ろすと 彼女は走り出した。僕は追いかけて彼女を捕まえた。彼女は地面に仰向けに倒れた。僕は膝をついて彼女の脚にまたがり、パンツのスナップを外し始めた。彼女は泣き始めた、そして僕は彼女を手放した。

A school janitor must have seen all this, including the "game." He asked if I wanted to come inside for a while and help him. I didn't. I thought he was going to call police. I learned a few months later a janitor there was fired for raping a 7-year- old girl and an 8-year-old boy. (He almost had a 15-year-old boy-- me!)
A few days later the youngest girl was on our doorstep with her father. Dad came and took me to his apartment for a chat. I gave up on getting strangers to touch me.
校務員が "ゲーム "を含めてすべてを見ていたのだろう。彼は僕に、しばらく中に入って手伝わないかと言った。僕はそうしなかった。警察を呼ばれると思ったからだ。数ヵ月後、そこの用務員が7歳の少女と8歳の少年をレイプしてクビになったことを知った(彼はもう少しで15歳の少年を抱くところだった-- 僕だ!)。

Chapter 4

At this point, it didn't matter if I had boys or girls. I didn't know what you could do with either one, except get them to touch you. (I'm now about 14 or 15 years old, remember.)

Then one day some cousins were over. Among them, 9-year-old Cindy. I played the guessing game with her. She knew what it was, but agreed to go into a closet with me for another guessing game! In the closet I had her hold my dick for a few seconds, then had her pull on it as hard as she could. I had her feel my balls. Then I had an idea! I could touch a kid, instead of just them touching me!
そんなある日、何人かのいとこたちが遊びにやってきた。 その中に、9歳のシンディがいた。僕は彼女と推理ゲームをした。 彼女はそれが何であるか知っていたが、また推理ゲームをするために僕と一緒にクローゼットに入ることに同意した! クローゼットの中で僕は彼女に数秒間、僕のディックを握ってもらい、それからできるだけ強く引っ張ってもらった。 僕は彼女に僕のボールを触ってもらった。 その時、僕はアイデアが浮かんだんだ! 彼らだけが僕に触れるだけでなく、僕は子供に触れることができるんだって!

I was happy when she agreed to pull her pants down as long as I left the closet door closed so I couldn't see her. I put my hands on her hips. I could see her outline. I asked if I could "touch it." She said, "Oh God" (her favorite expression). I put my lips against her "kee-kaw," (the only name I knew it by,thanks to the girls at the school), and blew on it.
クローゼットの扉を閉めて見えないようにしておけば、彼女がズボンを下ろしてくれることになり、僕は嬉しかった。僕は彼女のお尻に手を置いた。彼女の輪郭が見えた "触ってもいいか "と訊くと 彼女は "Oh God "と言った(彼女の好きな表現だ)。僕は唇を彼女の "キーカウ"(学校の女の子のおかげで唯一知っている名前)にあて、息を吹きかけた。

A few days later we were at her house. Cindy told my sister (10-years-old) and her 8-year-old brother, Mike, what we'd done before, but they didn't believe her. I said, "Let's do it again." Cindy said, "Where?"I told Cindy, "Right here, so we can show them so they'll believe us." She pulled down her pants. I said, "Lay on the end of the bed." She did, pants around her ankles, legs bent at knees over end of bed. I helped her spread her legs out and got my first good, close look at a girl.
数日後、僕たちは彼女の家にいた。シンディは僕の妹(10歳)と彼女の8歳の弟のマイクに、僕らが前にやったことを話したんだけど、彼らは信じなかった。僕は「もう一回やろうよ」と言った。シンディが「どこで?」と言うので、「ここで、見せれば信じてもらえるよ」と言った。彼女はパンツを下ろした "ベッドの端に横になって "と言うと パンツを足首に巻いて 脚はベッドの端に 膝を曲げて置いた。僕は彼女が脚を広げるのを手伝って、僕の初めての成功、女の子の姿を初めて間近で見ることができた。

I saw that she didn't wipe very good, as there was a crusty film around her "kee-kaw." I almost didn't do it, but decided it was that way when I did it in the dark closet too. Mike and Kathy watched as I again blew out against Cindy's "privates."
Cindy then helped me talk Mike into trying it. This first time, at age 14, I had an 8-year-old cock in my mouth. I just blew it right back out.
彼女の "キーカウ "の周りにはカサカサの膜があり、あまり上手に拭けてないんだなと思った。僕はほとんどそれ(口を付けること)をしなかったけど、暗いクローゼットの中でやったときにもそうだったのだろうと思うことにした。マイクとキャシーは、僕が再びシンディの"プライベート"に息を吹きかけるのを見ていた。

Later, alone with Mike, I put a hand down the front of his pants as I leaned over his shoulder from behind. I wanted to know what he felt like. He made me stop or he'd "tell." I stopped. About this time I was questioned about some incidents around town (flashing, and asking two or three kids to pull down pants with no luck) by the police. This was around my 15th birthday. I missed a band trip the beginning of my sophomore year because of this.

I didn't do anything more until about January of 1977, at age 15, because of my police scare. (No charges were filed,because I was a "nice kid." I did go to therapy for about two months, then quit.)
1977年1月頃、15歳の時、警察に脅されて、それ以来何もしなくなったんだ。(僕は"nice kid."(いい子)だったから、告訴はされなかった。2ヶ月ほどセラピーに通ったけど、その後やめた。)

Chapter 5

I started again because I was asked to babysit a 6-year-old boy, a 3-year-old girl, and a 1-year-old boy. I had a week to write down what I planned to do to them all. I'd get away with it because I'd do it around midnight to 1:00 a.m., while they slept. I planned on licking all their butts. My counselor had taught me the "birds & bees," and various ways of having "sex" (new word and ideas!) with men/women, or, men/men. Well, I decided to try men/boys!
6歳の男の子、3歳の女の子、1歳の男の子のベビーシッターを頼まれたので、また始めた。僕は彼ら全員に何をするつもりかを書くのに1週間かかった。 夜中の12時から1時頃、彼らが寝ている間にやるから、僕は逃げられるんだ。僕は彼らのお尻をなめ尽くすつもりだった。カウンセラーは、僕に "birds & bees "と言って、男性/女性、あるいは男性/男性との「セックス」(新しい言葉とアイデア!)のさまざまな方法を教えてくれた。それで、僕は男性/男の子を試してみることにした!

So, I was going to suck both boys'dicks, lick their butts, rest their hands on my privates, and masturbate them. The 6-year-old woke up when I tried to pull down his PJs and underwear. I couldn't pull down the 1-year-old's diaper, and didn't want to remove it for fear of not being able to get it back on and being found out by their parents.

I decided to try my plans for the girl. I'd of course lick her "vagina" (new word from my counselor), instead of sucking dick, or "penis" (new word!), and continue with her butt, and her touching me. I'd also wanted to put my dick between all three's legs to "simulate intercourse" (counselor).
僕はその女の子に僕の計画を試してみることにした。僕はもちろん、彼女の「ヴァギナ」(カウンセラーからの新しい言葉!)を舐め、dick、つまり「ペニス」(新しい言葉!)をしゃぶる代わりに、彼女のお尻、そして彼女が僕を触ることを続けるんだ。さらに僕は、 "simulate intercourse(セックスの疑似体験)" (カウンセラー)をするために、3人とも脚の間に僕のdickを入れたかった。

The 3-year-old girl had no PJ bottoms as the older boy did.
All I had to do was pull up her night shirt, from a spot just above her knees, to her stomach, exposing her belly-button. This was very easy. I didn't even have to first remove blankets, as I had the boys. She was on top of the covers of her parents' water bed, which was plenty warm. She was lying on her back.
僕は、あとは彼女のナイトシャツを膝のすぐ上のところからお腹のところまで引き上げ、へそをむき出しにするだけでよかった。 これはとても簡単なことだった。 男の子にしたように、まず毛布を脱がせる必要もなかった。 彼女は両親のウォーターベッドのカバーの上に乗っていた。彼女は仰向けに寝ていた。

Having now gotten down to her panties, she was still sleeping soundly. I slowly and carefully pulled the waist of her panties down to her crotch.
I had been in my underwear when first entering the boys'room, so my shirt, shoes, or pants wouldn't make noise and wake them. That would also make it easier to get my dick out to set their hands on.
僕は最初に男の子の部屋に入ったとき下着を着ていたから、シャツ、靴、ズボンが音を立てて目を醒ますことはなかった。 その方が僕のdickを外に出して彼らの手を置くのも簡単だ。

I now removed my underwear, and finished pulling the girl's panties to her ankles. Now completely naked myself, I set her hand on my dick and wrapped her fingers around me. I left her hand there as I felt her "vagina"; then licked it after pulling her legs apart about four inches at the knees.

I got on the bed over her and let my stiff cock rest in her crotch for about 30 seconds. I then dressed myself, licked her once more, and re-dressed her. I didn't think she woke up, but the next afternoon, out in the yard, she tried to put her hand down the back of my pants. I stopped her, wishing we could have been in private when she tried it!
僕は彼女の上からベッドに乗り込み、僕の硬いcockを30秒ほど彼女の股間に休ませた。 それから僕は自分の服を着て、もう一度彼女を舐めて、彼女に服を着直させた。 彼女が目を覚ましたとは思わなかったが、翌日の午後、庭に出ると、彼女は僕のズボンの後ろから手を下ろそうとした。 僕は彼女を止めた。僕は彼女がそれを試そうとしたとき、僕たちがプライベートで(二人きりで)いたらよかったのにと思った!

This incident gave me courage to go looking for boys to suck (licking the girl wasn't very fun). I'd now gone to the next step up. I was preying on, or hunting for, boys who would pull down their pants when told, without a fight. Force would not be used. I figured if I didn't make them do it, they wouldn't tell.
この出来事が、僕に、しゃぶってくれる男の子を探しに行く勇気を与えてくれた(女の子を舐めるのはあまり楽しくなかったんだ)。僕は今、次のステップアップに進んでいる。僕は、言われたら抵抗せずにパンツを下ろしてくれる男の子を餌食に、あるいは狩っていた。力は使わない。 僕が彼らにそれをしなかったなら、彼らは告げ口しないだろうと思ったからだ。

(Interestingly and with no explanation, Dodd's chapter-by-chapter account abruptly ends with only a "Chapter 6"heading. 

However, attached to it was a "death log" of his actions and intended actions as they related to the Neer brothers, Billy and Cole, with entries beginning on Saturday evening, September 2, 1989, two days before the Neer brothers'murders, and continuing until Tuesday, September 12, 1989. 
しかし、これには、ニール兄弟、ビリーとコールに関連する彼の行動とその意図する行動が、ニール兄弟殺人の2日前の1989年9月2日土曜日の夜から9月12日火曜日まで続く「death log(死の記録)」として添付されていた。

取り敢えず先に、Tumblerの方で彼が処刑前に刑務所から送り続けた手紙"When Monster Comes Out of the Closet (English Edition)"を先に翻訳して行き、重要だと思われる部分を載せて行こうと思っています。
The rest of his diary will be translated and posted in the future.
For the time being, I will first translate "When Monster Comes Out of the Closet (English Edition)," a letter he kept sending from prison before his execution on Tumbler, and then post the parts that I think are important. 

Here is the diary of the continuing Wes.


I am writing a series of novels on him.