This is a continuation of the previous article (his diary).

〖Comments from the author of this article〗

This article contains many violent, brutal, and sexual descriptions.

I feel that the most important thing in this world is to know the deepest sorrow of human beings.
Please do not focus only on the "brutality" here.
There is something "truly deep," and that is "darkness.
But at the same time, it is the "sadness" in a human being who has lived on this planet with us for 28 years.




(Interestingly and with no explanation, Dodd's chapter-by-chapter account abruptly ends with only a "Chapter 6"heading.
(興味深いことに、何の説明もなく、ドッドの章ごとの説明は突然、"Chapter 6 "の見出しだけで終わっている)。 

However, attached to it was a "death log" of his actions and intended actions as they related to the Neer brothers, Billy and Cole, with entries beginning on Saturday evening, September 2, 1989, two days before the Neer brothers'murders, and continuing until Tuesday, September 12, 1989. Also,extensive plans were located in Dodd's briefcase for carrying out "Incident 2" and "Incident 3," with yet another detailed "log" of the atrocities he carried out on four-year-old victim Lee Joseph Iseli following Lee's abduction from a Portland,Oregon school playground. Interestingly, and depicting his careful planning and premeditation, the September 2 entry starts off with a hand-drawn map of David Douglas Park and the surrounding area.)
しかし、そこには、ニール兄弟、ビリー、コールに関連する彼の行動とその意図が、ニール兄弟殺害の2日前の1989年9月2日(土)夜から9月12日(火)までの「"death log" (死の記録)」として記録されていた。

Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993)
ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド(1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)

Saturday, September 2, 1989 Located David Douglas Park and did this (an arrow points to the hand-drawn map of the park). Ideal area--South and West sides of park are wooded gully. Isolated areas, especially in the east end. Within one half hour saw three together (6:10-6:40 p.m.), and nothing else. Good for R & M (rape and murder) at sight, or K (kidnapping), R & M.

Sunday,September 3, 1989

10:40-11:00 a.m. Checked same area out. Intend to spend up to five hours this afternoon to obtain what I want.
1989年9月2日(土) ディヴィッド·ダグラス·パークを見つけ、これをした。
理想的なエリア--公園の南側と西側は森林で覆われた谷間。 孤立したエリア、特に東端。

午前10:40-11:00 同じエリアを調べた。


Depending on circumstances will R&M at sight, or may K from there, R at home,and again depending on circumstances, will either M at home, or take to another location and possibly R again before M. If I can get it (note how he refers to his victim as "it," an object and not a person) home I'll have more time for various types of R,rather than just one quickie before M.

NOTE: I spent evening of 9-2-89 and morning of 9-3-89
preparing photo book #P-1.
In my photo books use this key:
P-photos by other photographers, old and new, some "art."
C-photos of children I see nude, or get them to pose for me,but I have no sex contact with.
V-photos of children in a more than once relationship, who I trust to keep quiet. Some of these photos may have me in them also.
P-他の写真家による写真、新旧の写真、いくつかの "芸術"。

M-photos of children who I forced, or they cooperated,either way ending in M.In photos I just put into P-1, all were taken from a series of books from "Life Library of Photography," from two of the books in that series, "The Great Themes" and "Photographing Children." These photos take up pages 1-11, inclusive, in book P-1.

(It is interesting to note that Dodd's photo book, P-1, also contained several photos of religious art works depicting, for example, Mary, Joseph, and the Christ child, the birth of Christ,Virgin and Child, and so forth, concluding with nude closeup shots of Dodd's erect penis while he was either sitting spread-eagled in a chair or in a standing position.)

M-僕が強制的に撮った子、あるいは協力してくれた子たちの写真、いずれにしてもMで終わる。P-1に入れた写真は、すべて「Life Library of Photography」のシリーズからで、その中の「The Great Themes」と「Photographing Children」という2冊の本から撮ったものだ。これらの写真は、書籍P-1の1ページから11ページまでを占めている。


11:45 a.m. All my actions from now on will be logged immediately following each circumstance, and those logs/stories I'll refer to proper photo album and page number as they exist for those stories. I hope within four months to be using video tape as well as Polaroids for certain cases.
11:45 a.m. 
午前11時45分 これからの僕の全ての行動は、それぞれの状況に応じて直後にログとして記録され、それらのログ/ストーリーは、そのストーリーに存在する適切なフォトアルバムとページ番号を参照することになる。特定のケースでは、4ヶ月以内にはポラロイドだけでなく、ビデオテープも使用できるようになることを願っている。

11:50 a.m. Will get a cup of coffee and head out for a few hours.
午前11時50分 一杯のコーヒーを飲み、数時間出かける。

1) Two boys--approximately 9 & 10/11. Oldest big for his age- would have taken younger (smaller) if alone for R & M.
2) Two girls--7 & 12--would have R & M, younger if alone.
3)4 boys--three were 7 or 8, and one about 12. If older was not there I could have separated younger three, doing M to first two then R & M to the last (best looking of three).
They were looking for place to go to bathroom and kept saying,"Just go for it here." I watched. They finally realized there was a restroom in park.
4) One boy about 4 was wandering away from teenagers playing ball, but never got far enough away or out of their sight,else I would have gotten him further out of sight for possible R, R, & M or at best R & M.
彼らはトイレに行く場所を探していて、"ここでやっちゃえば "と言い続けていた。僕はそれを見ていた。彼らはやっと公園の中にトイレがあることに気づいたようだ。
4) 4歳くらいの男の子がボール遊びをしているティーンエイジャーから離れようとうろうろしていたが、十分に遠く離れなかったし、彼らの視界から外れることができなかった。そうでなかったなら、彼を可能な限りR、R&Mか、あるいはせいぜいR&Mのために、彼をさらに視界から遠ざけていただろう。(その可能性を追求した。)

2:15 p.m. Lunch, tea to go, will be back on hunt by 2:25 p.m.
4:00 p.m. Back home. No luck. There were four boys and two girls, but with two adult females. Three boys were good,fourth a ways away but possible. One girl possible. If only I could get one to three boys alone (one up to 10 years/two up to 8 or 9 years).
午後2時15分  昼食を済ませて紅茶をテイクアウトし、2時25分までには狩りに戻る予定だ。
午後4時 帰宅。運が悪い。男の子4人、女の子2人、でも大人の雌(females)が2人いた。3人の男の子は良かった、4人目は離れていたが可能性があった。女の子は1人可能。僕一人でうまくいけば、男の子を1〜3人(一人は10歳まで、二人は8歳か9歳まで)を捕まえられたらいいんだけど。

4:12 p.m. Better-equipped (added long shoe string and large Ace bandage to the knife I've been carrying. Knife will be held by the Ace bandage to ride better.) Ace or string also used for tying up, or to use for choking,instead of relying on kid's shirt to choke (may not have a shirt & I may not want to use knife-- especially since knife would best be cleaned on their shirt(s)). Choking may be best. Back to hunt by 4:30 p.m. (last of day).
5:30 p.m. Gave up--went to look around Fred Meyer (large department store). There was a 6-7 year old boy there with some cute little shorts, and no shirt. I had an urge to pull his shorts down right there. I went back to the park.
午後4時12分 装備を整える(今まで持っていたナイフに、長い靴紐と大きなエース包帯を追加。ナイフはエース包帯で固定し、より良く乗りこなせるようにした) エースや紐は、縛るときや、首を絞めるときにも使えるので、子供のシャツに頼らずに済む(シャツが無いかもしれないし、ナイフを使いたくないかもしれない。特にナイフは彼らのシャツできれいにするのがベストだろうから) 。窒息がベストかもしれない。午後4時30分までに狩りに戻る(この日はこれで終わり)。
午後5時30分 諦めた--フレッド·マイヤー(大型デパート)を見回す。そこには6〜7歳の男の子がいて、キュートな小さなショートパンツを履いていて、シャツは着ていなかった。僕はその場で彼のパンツを下ろしてやりたい衝動に駆られた。僕は公園に戻った。

6:00 p.m. Started walking away from car--after 50 yards three boys, all about 7 years old, passed me on bikes. I went back to car for my knife. I intended to separate them, do two M's, and than an R & M, but they rode off again. I wonder if they'd have stopped if I hadn't gone back for my knife? Will try again tomorrow. Noon to 3 or 3:30 p.m. seems best hunting, esp.
午後6時 車から離れ始めた--50ヤード(約4.6km)ほど歩いたところで、3人の男の子(みんな7歳くらい)が自転車に乗って僕を追い越していった。僕はナイフを取りに車に戻った。僕は彼らを引き離し、Mを2回、そしてR&Mするつもりだったが、彼らは再び走り去った。もし僕がナイフを取りに戻らなかったら、彼らは止まっていたのだろうか?明日、再試行する。特に正午から午後3時か3時半までが最高のハンティング(ベストな狩り)になりそうだ。

12:30- 2:00 (for a Sunday).
10:00 p.m. Dad gave me some geographics (National Geographics) and photographer mags.
I'll now search them for more photos to add to my "Child Porno Collection.
午後10時 父から地理学(National Geographics)と写真家の雑誌をいくつかもらった。

"Monday, September 4, 1989
9:35 a.m. Awoke three or four times last night. Seem to have maintained a stiff erection all night. Only a boy can make it soft again now. Now ready for my second day of the hunt.
Will start about 10:00 a.m. and take a lunch so I don't have to return home. Got to thinking last night I'm better off taking them somewhere else to M them. If I leave M'd ones there, I'll lose hunting ground for up to two or three months; but if they just disappear, it won't be as bad.
This is even better than the river in Richland (Washington).
(The "hunting ground" Dodd is referring to here is David Douglas Park in Vancouver,Washington.)

1989年9月4日 月曜
午前9時35分 昨夜は3、4回、目が覚めた。一晩中、硬い勃起を維持していたようだ。今、それを柔らかく戻すことができるのは、男の子だけだ。さあ、僕にとって2日目の狩りの準備は整った。

5:40 p.m. Got home. At park for all but two trips totalling one half hour. Only two incidents.
1) 1:15 p.m. Two boys on bikes. I passed them, watched for 2-3 minutes and passed again. They were 9-10 years old. I started walking away and they followed a ways behind. I finally decided to turn and confront and separate them (they were a little big), but they took another trail and left.
2) 4:30 p.m. Boy in red (about 7 years old) on bike passed me. I turned to run him down but his father was a little behind the boy and came into view as I saw the boy's great-looking butt on the bike seat. It was well-rounded--he would have been a great fuck.
午後5時40分 帰宅。2回の移動を除き、30分ほど公園で過ごす。事件は2つだけ。
1) 午後1時15分 自転車の男の子2人組。僕とすれ違い、2-3分見て、またすれ違った。9-10歳の少年たちだ。僕が歩き出すと、彼らは少し後ろからついてきた。僕はようやく振り返って二人を引き離そうとしたが(二人は少し大きかった)、二人は別の小道に入って行ってしまった。
2) 午後4時30分 自転車に乗った赤い服の男の子(7歳くらい)が僕の横を通り過ぎた。僕は彼を追い詰めようと向きを変えたが、彼の父親は少年の少し後ろにいて、僕が自転車のシートに乗った少年の見栄えのするお尻を見たときに視界に入ってきた。それはバランスの取れたものだった(丸みを帯びていて)、彼は最高のファック(レイプ相手)になりそうだった。

5:45 p.m. I was going to call it quits, but believe I'll go try once more before weekend is over.
6:10 p.m. Arrived park.
6:15 p.m. Began walking from end of trail.
6:18 p.m. Found two boys. No one else around. About proper age, I figured.
6:19 p.m. I approached and said, "I want you two to come with me." Older said, "Why?" I said, "Because I told you to.
You can bring your bikes if you want." Said that because younger was going to leave his behind. I didn't want someone to find it and start looking for him. I realized they were not American (Caucasian), but was committed. I had never liked the idea of sucking foreigners. They both followed me for about five minutes--to most isolated part of park. We passed two teenagers and I warned the boys not to talk to them.
午後5時45分 僕は週末が終わる前にもう一度試してみようと思ったが、もうやめようと思っていた。
午後6時10分 公園に到着。
午後6時15分 小道の端から歩き始めた。
午後6時18分 少年2人を発見。他に誰もいない。僕は適切な年齢だと思った。
午後6時19分 僕は近づいて言った 「君たち2人に一緒に来てほしいんだ。」
年上の方が言った。 「どうして?」

(Approximately) 6:25 p.m. Had learned older boy was 11 years old, named Cole, and younger was 10 years old, named Billy.
Also, older than I thought but I was committed. Leaving bikes on trail, we went a few yards into the trees and bushes. Billy kept quiet, Cole always said, "Why?" once to each command by me.
I had them stand back to back, and tied their wrists together tightly--binding the boys together by a 10-inch piece of cord.
They then both faced me and I knelt in front of them.
(おおよそ)午後6時25分頃 上の子は11歳、名前はCole、下の子は10歳、名前はBillyであることがわかった。

(Approximately) 6:30 p.m. I said one of them had to let me pull down their pants and Billy quickly said, "Him." Cole said,"Why?" I said I wanted to suck his dick. Cole asked if it would hurt--I said no so he said OK. I was hoping for Billy, since he was younger and prettier, but I didn't want him to scream nor to cry louder than the little whines he just started. Cole agreed.
午後6時半頃 僕はどちらかのパンツを下ろさせてくれと言うと、ビリーはすぐに「彼」と言った。コールは "なんで?" と言った。

Billy was wearing jeans. Cole was wearing shorts.
I pushed Cole's button-down colored shirt up and slid fingers into waist of his shorts and underwear, and pulled them to his knees. Cole almost looked Chinese. His cock was different than any I'd seen before. I lifted it and felt his balls. He had a fairly large sack, (biggest I'd ever molested),but his dick was pretty short and a little thick. The head was really pretty large, however.

I moved in and sucked to pull in blood and make him erect.
The head of his dick was just as big as the base, entire cock about one and a quarter inch long. He was definitely the oldest I'd ever sucked. I swirled it in my mouth a little. The entire oral was about 40 seconds (he erected very fast!). He had a birthmark (light brown) covering about one-third of the top of the head on his cock. I wish I had more time to study him.
I pulled up his pants and turned to Billy. I wanted to suck him longer than I did Cole, but when I said I wanted him to do it to me, he started crying again. So I told Cole he had to do something else. They both said they had to go because they were hungry, late, and dad would be mad. I said to tell him they got lost.

I had them kneel to their knees and pulled Cole's pants back down. I decided I had to cut them loose to do what I wanted, and did. I put the rope pieces in my pocket (no evidence to be found). Billy said he'd go tell dad Cole would be late. I said,"You can go in a couple minutes--I'm almost done." Billy knelt back from his knees onto his heels (Good he couldn't make a quick getaway!). With Cole's bare butt toward me, I unzipped and pulled my jeans and underwear down in front only, and attempted to get my cock into Cole's crotch from the rear. I quickly gave up--unable to get an erection (I was in too much of a hurry--must slow down and relax next time). Cole turned to face me.

I didn't notice if he pulled up his pants or not. I learned later he didn't, as you'll see. I said, "Just one more thing," as I again took knife from sheath (hidden in sock under pant leg).
They were both facing me, about a foot apart, me centered in front of them. I reached out and shoved the knife into Billy's gut. I thought he'd drop, but as I quickly turned to Cole before he could react, Billy grabbed his stomach and started running.

Cole had just started to turn and rise. So I went for his gut and caught him in the side. He may have then been dead, but kept moving. I then got him in the chest, and the third stab struck him, but I'm not sure where as I was rising to chase Billy.
I didn't want him to reach a nearby busy road.
I caught him by the right arm. We were both running--I stopped and stabbed him, I believe in the lower side, as he spun.

He said, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" as he spun around. I stabbed him again in the left shoulder I think as he went down. I didn't stay to make sure he was dead this time.
I ran to where their bikes were on the trail and started walking. I put the knife back under my pant leg. I went about 30 yards and decided to run back to make sure I hadn't left any evidence behind. I found Cole flat on his back, head tilted to the left, eyes (the one I could see) still open, arms at his side. He was covered with blood and not moving. At first I thought something was poking out of his belly, then realized his pants were still half way to his knees and I was looking at his dick and balls.
「ごめんなさい! ごめんなさい!」と、彼は回転し(振り返り)ながら。

He was definitely dead. That only took a second to take it all in, and I started looking around and found no evidence. I thought about running back to be sure Billy was dead, and decided not to risk the extra time.
I then noticed blood on my left hand. Keeping it in my pocket I calmly climbed to the main park, greeting an older man and throwing a stray baseball to a couple guys on the way back to my car.
彼は確かに死んでいた。すべてを理解するのに 1 秒しかかからなかったので、僕は周りを見回したが、何の証拠もなかった。(何の痕跡も残っていなかった。)

I circled around and on the other side of the park found a guy running down the hill. I figured he'd found Billy, since I'd left him out on the trail. I didn't want to leave fingerprints on his bloody clothes, or get his blood on me trying to get him into hidden bushes as Cole was. I had expected Billy to die right with Cole--still hidden. It turns out lucky I didn't go back to check Billy, or the guy would have seen me, too. It was about 6:45 p.m. when I got out to the main park.

My total time with the boys had been 18-20 minutes. Billy was reported found at 6:50 p.m. by phone and 9-1-1, and taken by helicopter to a Portland hospital at 7:37 p.m. I didn't know for sure he was dead until the 6:00 a.m. news on the radio the next morning (Tuesday morning). I already knew for sure Cole was dead. After the incident Monday I was pretty shook up. I thought about it all day--couldn't get picture of Cole's body, or Billy's "I'm sorry" out of my mind. By the time I got home from work on Tuesday, 9-5-89, about 4:10 p.m., I was able to masturbate to fantasy and mind pictures of Cole, both alive and dead and bloody. I climaxed in about three minutes. I dumped knife, wrapped in old used manilla envelope, in garbage dumpster at work at lunch time on Tuesday, 9-5-89.Wednesday, September 6, 1989 Now trying to figure out a location for next hunt. Must spend more time with boy (or girl?) before killing, and make sure body is hidden better.
月曜日の事件の後、僕はかなり動揺していた。一日中そのことを考えていた--コールの死体の心象(picture)や、ビリーの「"I'm sorry"」が、頭から離れなかった。
僕は火曜日(1989年9月5日)の午後4時10分頃、仕事から帰宅するまでに、生きているコールと死んでいるコール、そして血まみれのコールの空想とmind pictures(心象風景、心の映像)でマスターベイション(自慰)をすることができた。3分ほどで絶頂に達した。
1989年9月6日(水) 今、次の狩りの場所を考えている。
殺す前にもっと多くの時間をかけて男の子( または女の子?)と過ごさなければならないし、死体をもっとうまく隠さなければならない。

The newspaper articles on this incident are attached to the following pages.
While most of my future victims will die (in various ways),I also hope to have some long relationships with children as well (as with Robert and Jeremy and even Chad--though unwilling he kept quiet). I'd like to make some child porno movies. I also hope to get "before and after" photos of my "sex-murder" victims as well. When crotch fucking the ones to die, I'll clean the kid real well before killing, and deposit my sperm in something to remove it as "forensic evidence." When butt fucking, I'll use a well-greased rubber (may fuck either way before or after they die, depending on whether they're bloody or not). Some of them will also be forced to perform certain acts on me.
僕は子ども向けのポルノ映画(児童ポルノ映画、child porno movies)を何本か作りたいと思っている。
僕は、僕の「"sex-murder"(セックス殺人)」の犠牲者たちの「"before and after"(前後の)」写真も手に入れたいと思っている。
僕が死ぬべき奴(者)の股間を犯す(crotch fucking、股間ファックする)ときは、殺す前に子供をよく洗って、僕の精子を何かの中に入れて、"鑑識の証拠(法医学的証拠) "として除去するんだ。
お尻(butt fucking、尻ファック)の時は、よく塗ったゴム(rubber、コンドーム)を使う(血まみれかどうかに応じて、死ぬ前または後にやるかもしれない。)

I think I got more of a high out of killing than molesting.
I had fantasized previously of my stomach against a boy's back,my arms around him, and over his arms. He is blindfolded so as not to see the knife I'm holding to a point just below his breast bone. My cock in his crotch or maybe his butt, I squeeze my arms, pinning him and holding him so he can't move as I slowly push its blade into him, then back out, holding him or fucking him as he dies. I also dream of sucking him erect, do a long oral on him, then cutting off his erect cock. Then I butt fuck him as his cock bleeds into the ground under him. If he's still alive after that I finish him off. Of course taking pictures each stage of the way. Just read--you'll see what actually does occur. Just writing this and (reading) previous story about my first murder makes my cock stiff. I must find it sexual.

I'll note that The Oregonian is a morning paper and The Columbian an afternoon paper.
The news articles will be numbered in the order they appeared. The same number on different articles indicate they all came from same edition of paper. #1 is two different articles, being about the killing, then about the boys' lives.
Police don't even know Cole was molested--even though his pants were down! Maybe that's the way to go--leave no indication of a rape?--NAW--too much I want to do would be obvious.
僕は、The Oregonianが朝刊で、The Columbianが昼刊であることを記しておく。
警察はコールが性的虐待にあったことさえ知らない--たとえパンツが下がっていたとしても! それがやり方かもしれない--レイプの痕跡を残さないように?--NAW(NO)--僕はあまりにもやりたいことが多すぎて、明らかになって(バレて)しまう。