This is a continuation of the previous article (his diary).
〖Comment from the author of this article〗
I read and translated it for the first time today, and I read it with a very quiet feeling, because all of this is something I have been involved in indirectly for a long time.
They continue to take place every day in 〖slaughterhouses〗 and 〖animal testing facilities〗 every day, day after day, with the indifference and affirmation of the majority of people.
I am never horrified by him because I know how serious my sins are.
I even feel that he is no different from me.
Friday, September 8, 1989
8:45 a.m. Yesterday's Columbian news article had me worried. It said that by talking to kids that were at the park Monday (day of killing), police had an artist sketch of a man seen at the park by several children.
Then last night three sheriff's deputies pulled up in front of the house where I'm renting a room. I hoped they were here because the landlady called them after a verbal fight in which she evicted other guy living here. I also hoped they didn't realize I was the one in their sketch. They weren't interested in me other than what I'd heard of the argument.
Landlady said later that the person they're looking for is "shorter and darker" than the guy she evicted. Well, I'm short,but not dark.
午前8時45分 昨日のコロンビアのニュースの記事で僕は心配になった。それによると、月曜日(殺人の日)に公園にいた子供たちに話を聞くことで、警察は何人かの子供たちが公園で見た男の似顔絵を手に入れたそうだ。
Tuesday, September 12, 1989 (Eight days after the fact)
Tuesday, September 12, 1989 (Eight days after the fact)
11:30 p.m. Just watched the news. Two sketches of "persons of interest" were released by police and shown. Neither sketch resembles me at all. There was nothing for me to worry about.
I'll just have to stay away from the park for awhile. A kid may see and remember me there on Sunday and Monday. I've not looked at a paper since Sunday, but haven't heard on TV or radio if anything was found on the boys' crotches, but I really doubt it.
In case I can't get a news article, the FBI profile says the killer is a man comfortable and/or trained with knives.
(The following documents were discovered by police at the same time the preceding documents were found. Much of it relates to the abduction, rape, and murder of 4-year-old Lee Iseli, and was carefully written after the episode as an instrument to further Dodd's pleasure and to keep his "fantasies" alive.)
Planning Begun: 9/6/89
Occurred: 10/29 & 30/1989
Rough draft: to be burned after re-copied for files--info not important to this incident omitted.
Friday, August 4, 1989
8:45 p.m. Just had a brilliant thought. I must purchase an audio cassette recorder. That way I'll later be able to log exact words and reaction descriptions during a rape, molest,operation, murder, etc. That will do until I can afford the more expensive camcorder with sound. Kidnap victims will not be told anything until I can do it on tape.
10:30 p.m. In surgery with live patients, whether they are conscious or not, they'll have to be tied down. Hands loosely over head to keep them from coming into the way. To prevent bouncing, tied tightly to table around chest and waist, possibly abdomen also. Tie at knees to maintain legs at desired location,
and at ankles to keep feet down. May do surgery with or without pain relief or sedation.
8:45 p.m. Just had a brilliant thought. I must purchase an audio cassette recorder. That way I'll later be able to log exact words and reaction descriptions during a rape, molest,operation, murder, etc. That will do until I can afford the more expensive camcorder with sound. Kidnap victims will not be told anything until I can do it on tape.
発生 10/29 & 30/1989
午後8時45分 今、冴え渡る思いがした。(ふと、閃いた。)僕はオーディオ・カセット・レコーダーを買わなければならない。そうすれば、あとでレイプ、性的虐待、手術、殺人などのときの正確な言葉や反応を記録することができるだろう。僕はもっと高価な音声付きビデオカメラを買うまでこれで我慢する。誘拐の被害者は、僕が録音できるようになるまで、何も言われない(教えてもらえない)だろう。
発生 10/29 & 30/1989
午後8時45分 今、冴え渡る思いがした。(ふと、閃いた。)僕はオーディオ・カセット・レコーダーを買わなければならない。そうすれば、あとでレイプ、性的虐待、手術、殺人などのときの正確な言葉や反応を記録することができるだろう。僕はもっと高価な音声付きビデオカメラを買うまでこれで我慢する。誘拐の被害者は、僕が録音できるようになるまで、何も言われない(教えてもらえない)だろう。
10:30 p.m. In surgery with live patients, whether they are conscious or not, they'll have to be tied down. Hands loosely over head to keep them from coming into the way. To prevent bouncing, tied tightly to table around chest and waist, possibly abdomen also. Tie at knees to maintain legs at desired location,
and at ankles to keep feet down. May do surgery with or without pain relief or sedation.
午後10時30分 生きた患者を扱う手術では、意識があろうとなかろうと、縛り付けなければならない。邪魔にならないように、手は頭の上でゆるく。跳ねるのを防ぐため、胸と腰のあたり、場合によっては腹部も含めてテーブルにきつく縛りつける。膝を縛るのは、足を好きな位置に固定するため。
(Directly beneath that passage is a crudely drawn "torture rack" depicting a securely- bound child, with the words "live kids" in parentheses below it. It is chilling to note that the torture rack had already been constructed and was found inside Dodd's apartment by detectives.)(この文章のすぐ下には、しっかりと縛られた子供を描いた粗雑な「拷問棚」が描かれており、その下に括弧で「生きた子供」という言葉が書かれている。この拷問棚はすでに作られていて、ドッドのアパートで刑事に発見されたというのだから、ゾッとする)
Other possibilities, just for fun: Shave entire body to make "hairless space aliens." Hang by various body parts. Paint them (blue maybe?). Suck-a-thon (they stop sucking before I do,they die) or two suck each other, first one to stop dies, unless I tell them to stop. They say caviar is fish eggs. I'll try it as kids' balls (maybe). May also try a boy's "weeny" (dick) on a hot dog, instead of a beef or turkey frank! A lone child may be a "sacrifice." Or another child could help in the sacrifice (one kid kill another).
その他の可能性、あくまで参考までに。全身の毛を剃って "毛のない宇宙人 "を作る。体の様々な部位で吊るす。ペンキを塗る(青色かな?) しゃぶり合い(僕より先にしゃぶるのをやめたら死ぬ)、または2人でしゃぶり合い、僕がやめるように言わない限り、先にやめた者が死ぬ。キャビアは魚の卵だそうだ。僕は子供用のボール(睾丸)でやってみる(たぶん)。また、牛肉や七面鳥のフランクフルトではなく、男の子の「ウィーニー(おちんちん)」(ディック)をホットドッグに載せてみるのもいいかも!一人の子供が "生贄 "になるかもしれない。あるいは、別の子供が生贄になるのを手伝うかもしれない(一人の子供が別の子供を殺す)。
その他の可能性、あくまで参考までに。全身の毛を剃って "毛のない宇宙人 "を作る。体の様々な部位で吊るす。ペンキを塗る(青色かな?) しゃぶり合い(僕より先にしゃぶるのをやめたら死ぬ)、または2人でしゃぶり合い、僕がやめるように言わない限り、先にやめた者が死ぬ。キャビアは魚の卵だそうだ。僕は子供用のボール(睾丸)でやってみる(たぶん)。また、牛肉や七面鳥のフランクフルトではなく、男の子の「ウィーニー(おちんちん)」(ディック)をホットドッグに載せてみるのもいいかも!一人の子供が "生贄 "になるかもしれない。あるいは、別の子供が生贄になるのを手伝うかもしれない(一人の子供が別の子供を殺す)。
I really don't want to cause pain to them, unless it's a punishment for some reason. Therefore, butt fucking is out unless they're dead or unconscious (try sedating with aspirin).
Can obtain unconsciousness by keeping them awake late, then giving several sleeping pills.
Murder Methods:
Fastest: Stabbing
Slicing Throat. Too Messy!!!
Slowest: Starvation/Thirst
Slow: Bleeding to death (blood could be caught in jars)
Medium: Suffocation
(1) Drown;
(2) hang by neck;
(3) plastic bag over face;
(4)strangle (with hands or rope);
(5) pillow tight over face;
(6)hog- tie and tape over nose and mouth;
(7) amputate privates a little at a time until bled dead;
(8) stab;
(9) slice throat (too messy!);
(10) no food and/or water;
(11) drugs (full bottle sleeping pills?);
(12) start experimental surgery on live,conscious, blindfolded, tied-down victims, starting with small,
easy incision for a vasectomy, continuing back along sex line to bladder. If still alive, lay open scrotum, remove testicles,amputate penis and remaining scrotum. Still alive?--cut into groin further, or slice from hole at missing privates, down to anus. If necessary, then stab in heart.
(1) 溺れさせる
(2) 首を吊るす
(3) ビニール袋を顔にかぶせる。
(4) 首を絞める(手やロープで)。
(5) 枕を顔に密着させる。
(6) 鼻と口を縛り、テープを貼る。
(7) 出血が止まるまで陰部を少しづつ切断する。
(8) 刺す。
(9) 喉を切り裂く(乱暴(厄介)すぎる!)
(10) 食事や水を与えない。
(11) 薬物(睡眠薬のフルボトル(一瓶)か?)
(12) 生きた、意識のある、目隠しされた、縛られた犠牲者に対して、実験的な外科手術を始める、まずは小さな手術から。 精管切除のための簡単な切開から始め、性線に沿って膀胱まで戻る。生きていれば、陰嚢を開き、睾丸を取り出し、ペニスと残りの陰嚢を切断する。生きていれば、さらに股間を切り裂くか、陰部の穴から肛門まで切り裂く。必要なら、心臓を刺す。
Murder victims will be asked: "I'm not going to do it, but if you had to die, do you want to choose how, or someone else to choose?" They could choose stabbing, cut throat, strangling or suffocation, or bleeding to death or starvation. Or, they could roll dice, draw cards, or pull from a hat to determine main method (knife, no air, or experiments to help others). Then would roll, draw, or pull to determine how with knife (stab,amputate), air (hang, suffocate, drown, strangle, etc.), or surgeries to be determined with or without drugs, then roll,draw, or pull to determine do it quick, or make ceremony as for a sacrifice. With surgeries they could stay alive, but undergo pain.
Fastest: Stabbing
Slicing Throat. Too Messy!!!
Slowest: Starvation/Thirst
Slow: Bleeding to death (blood could be caught in jars)
Medium: Suffocation
(1) Drown;
(2) hang by neck;
(3) plastic bag over face;
(4)strangle (with hands or rope);
(5) pillow tight over face;
(6)hog- tie and tape over nose and mouth;
(7) amputate privates a little at a time until bled dead;
(8) stab;
(9) slice throat (too messy!);
(10) no food and/or water;
(11) drugs (full bottle sleeping pills?);
(12) start experimental surgery on live,conscious, blindfolded, tied-down victims, starting with small,
easy incision for a vasectomy, continuing back along sex line to bladder. If still alive, lay open scrotum, remove testicles,amputate penis and remaining scrotum. Still alive?--cut into groin further, or slice from hole at missing privates, down to anus. If necessary, then stab in heart.
(1) 溺れさせる
(2) 首を吊るす
(3) ビニール袋を顔にかぶせる。
(4) 首を絞める(手やロープで)。
(5) 枕を顔に密着させる。
(6) 鼻と口を縛り、テープを貼る。
(7) 出血が止まるまで陰部を少しづつ切断する。
(8) 刺す。
(9) 喉を切り裂く(乱暴(厄介)すぎる!)
(10) 食事や水を与えない。
(11) 薬物(睡眠薬のフルボトル(一瓶)か?)
(12) 生きた、意識のある、目隠しされた、縛られた犠牲者に対して、実験的な外科手術を始める、まずは小さな手術から。 精管切除のための簡単な切開から始め、性線に沿って膀胱まで戻る。生きていれば、陰嚢を開き、睾丸を取り出し、ペニスと残りの陰嚢を切断する。生きていれば、さらに股間を切り裂くか、陰部の穴から肛門まで切り裂く。必要なら、心臓を刺す。
Murder victims will be asked: "I'm not going to do it, but if you had to die, do you want to choose how, or someone else to choose?" They could choose stabbing, cut throat, strangling or suffocation, or bleeding to death or starvation. Or, they could roll dice, draw cards, or pull from a hat to determine main method (knife, no air, or experiments to help others). Then would roll, draw, or pull to determine how with knife (stab,amputate), air (hang, suffocate, drown, strangle, etc.), or surgeries to be determined with or without drugs, then roll,draw, or pull to determine do it quick, or make ceremony as for a sacrifice. With surgeries they could stay alive, but undergo pain.
Monday, September 25, 1989
10:00 p.m. I bought a set of X-acto knives and tweezers last night, giving me the necessary tools for my "exploratory surgeries." I've now asked Satan to provide me with "a 6-10 year old boy to make love to,suck and fuck, play with, photograph,kill, and do my exploratory surgery on." On my legs and groin, I wrote, "I now have needed tools for surgery." And I took a nude nap from 4:00-5:30, and dozing until about 6:30 this afternoon.
午後10時 僕は昨夜、X-acto(アート)ナイフとピンセットのセットを購入した。これで僕の「探索的手術」に必要な道具が揃った。僕は今、サタンに「愛し合い、しゃぶりあい、遊び、写真に撮り、殺し、そして僕の探索手術をするための6歳から10歳の少年」を提供してくれるよう頼んでいる。僕の脚と股間には、 "手術に必要な道具が必要になった" と書いた。4時から5時半まで 裸で昼寝して、午後は6時半まで 居眠りをしていた。
午後10時 僕は昨夜、X-acto(アート)ナイフとピンセットのセットを購入した。これで僕の「探索的手術」に必要な道具が揃った。僕は今、サタンに「愛し合い、しゃぶりあい、遊び、写真に撮り、殺し、そして僕の探索手術をするための6歳から10歳の少年」を提供してくれるよう頼んでいる。僕の脚と股間には、 "手術に必要な道具が必要になった" と書いた。4時から5時半まで 裸で昼寝して、午後は6時半まで 居眠りをしていた。
I now ask Satan that this boy be an easy target; meaning, due to heat from Incident #1, I can't do much "hunting" for fear of being "noticed" by a "witness."
If the conditions on the previous page are met, and I can remain sexually satisfied, through contact, pictures, or tapes,then I will gladly turn my soul over to Satan.
If necessary, I will meet with him, or an aide of his, to sign a contract. I hope I will not be as frightened at my next "meeting" with him.
必要であれば、僕は彼、もしくは彼の側近と会って契約書にサインする。僕は、次の "出会い(面会) "の時に、これほど怖がらないようにしたいと思う。
Here's my written and non-verbal request, Satan. I will exchange my soul for a long, happy life as a pedophile, with plenty of action, and possible contribution to the child pornography empire; with no danger of reports to, or discovery by, the authorities.
Signed: Westley A. Dodd
8-20-89 11:15 p.m.
8-25-89 10:45 p.m.
8-20-89 23:15 p.m.
8-25-89 午後10時45分
(The dates in this document conflict with one another. It isn't clear whether Dodd made his written pact with Satan on August 20,1989 and renewed it on August 25, 1989, or whether he wrote the dates in error. Because of his referral to "Incident #1" as having already occurred and because of his September 25, 1989 heading, it seems likely that the August dates were written in error. The date of the next entry, however, September 6,1989,resembling something of a "P.S." to Satan, would seem to support the accuracy of the dates beneath Dodd's signature.)
Wednesday, September 6, 1989
Would like to remind Satan I could use some extra cash to make things easier. Burned approximately $10 gas in set-up and hunt for Incident #1, not to mention cost of discarding murder weapon (replacement cost if to be used again). Must also travel farther now (as if he needed reminding!).
Plans/Ideas Began: 9-6-89
Hunt Start: 10-29-89/10:30 a.m. End: 10-29-89/12:50 p.m.
Incident: 10-29-89/12:50 p.m. to 7:35 p.m.
Incident #2
Final Copy
Planning to Completion
ハント開始:89年10月29日/午前10時30分 終了:89年10月29日/午後12時50分
ハント開始:89年10月29日/午前10時30分 終了:89年10月29日/午後12時50分
事件発生 :89年10月29日/午後12時50分〜午後7時35分。
Wednesday, September 6, 1989
10:00 p.m. For my first incident, knife was best choice as my kill would have to be quick and easy for the chosen location.
Decided that this incident would have a cleaner kill--probably choking, to have a clean body for butt fucking (penetration would be too painful for a live child, and thus too noisy--also don't want to torture--just kill as painlessly as possible after use).
I want a better location for this incident, so I feel more comfortable and can take more time for various types of sex before killing the child. Also will be able to fuck the dead instead of running off. Also considering to see how long a boy can live after dick amputation.
One possibility is kidnapping--at home I'd have all the time I need. One thing for certain is for this incident the sex will take longer, and death will be something different than stabbing.
午後10時 最初の事件では、選んだ場所で素早く簡単に殺す必要があるため、ナイフが最適だった。
Friday, September 8, 1989
10:00 a.m. Decided to hold off until things from Incident #1 cools down somewhat.
10:00 p.m. For my first incident, knife was best choice as my kill would have to be quick and easy for the chosen location.
Decided that this incident would have a cleaner kill--probably choking, to have a clean body for butt fucking (penetration would be too painful for a live child, and thus too noisy--also don't want to torture--just kill as painlessly as possible after use).
I want a better location for this incident, so I feel more comfortable and can take more time for various types of sex before killing the child. Also will be able to fuck the dead instead of running off. Also considering to see how long a boy can live after dick amputation.
One possibility is kidnapping--at home I'd have all the time I need. One thing for certain is for this incident the sex will take longer, and death will be something different than stabbing.
午後10時 最初の事件では、選んだ場所で素早く簡単に殺す必要があるため、ナイフが最適だった。
Friday, September 8, 1989
10:00 a.m. Decided to hold off until things from Incident #1 cools down somewhat.
午前10時00分 事件その1の事態がいくらか落ち着くまで保留にすることにした。
午前10時00分 事件その1の事態がいくらか落ち着くまで保留にすることにした。
Sunday, September 17, 1989
11:00 a.m. Thinking of trying the Tri-Cities (Richland,Kennewick, and Pasco, Washington, located in the eastern part of the state) when money and car allows.
午前11時00分 金と車が許せばトライシティーズ(ワシントン州東部に位置するリッチランド、ケネウィック、パスコ)を試すことを考えている。
Monday, September 18, 1989
8:15 p.m. As in article in today's paper, I've considered kidnapping and keeping a child secretly for the sole purpose of sex. When one gets too old, getting a fresh one and disposing of the first, as I believe was happening in this article. He/they would be securely locked up, or tied and gagged while I'm at work, shopping, etc.
1989年9月18日 ( 月 )
午後8時15分 今日の新聞の記事にあるように、僕はセックスだけを目的に子供を誘拐して密かに飼うことを考えたことがある。僕は、この記事の中で起こっていたと思うように、子供が年を取り過ぎたら、新しい子供を手に入れ、最初の子供を処分することを考えた。僕が仕事や買い物をしている間、彼/彼女らは厳重に監禁されるか、縛られて猿轡を噛まされることになるだろう。
Friday, September 22, 1989
11:00 p.m. Looking over Vancouver/Portland area maps for possible kidnap sites, and secondary locations to take child to for the kill.
11:10 p.m. "Oaks Pioneer Park" in Portland appears worth checking out ASAP. Tri-Cities, Yakima, etc., are still possibilities.
午後11時10分 ポートランドの「オークス・パイオニア・パーク」は早急に確認する価値がありそうだ。トライシティー、ヤキマ等もまだ可能性がある。
Sunday, September 24, 1989
5:20 p.m. One possibility--kidnap 10-year-old, have my way for a day or two, kill, and perform "exploratory surgery" to study his reproduction system and practice vasectomy and amputation to later perform on living subjects. My study on this is on page 1.b. I'll need to obtain items to use for these "surgeries."
午後5時20分 一つの可能性として、10歳の子供を誘拐し、1日か2日僕のやり方で殺し、「探索手術」を行い、彼の生殖システムを研究し、精管切除と切断の練習をして、後に生きている被験者に行うことができる。これに関する僕の研究は1.bページにある。僕はこれらの「手術」に使用するアイテムを入手する必要がある。
(A hand-drawn diagram of the male reproductive system that Dodd has referred to appears on page 1.b. Details Dodd has drawn include the bladder, seminal vesicle, prostate gland, urethra,vas deferens, penis, epididymis, and testicles.)(ドッドが参照した男性の生殖器系の手書きの図が1.bページにある。ドッドが描いた詳細には、膀胱、精嚢、前立腺、尿道、精管、ペニス、精巣上体、精巣が含まれている)。
For Dead Experiments
I will first make small cut in side of sack and cut and tie off vas deferens for normal vasectomy on one side. This done, I will attempt removal of the testicle on the same side. For further study, I'll amputate head of penis (closing the wound--leaving room for urethra tube). Then I'll attempt to study entire reproductive system by laying open entire untouched side of scrotum, and examine each part as I trace from the testicle, to the epididymis, back along the vas deferens, and cutting as needed to get back to the seminal vesicle, prostrate,and the urethra, following back out to amputated end of penis.
For Dead Experiments
I will first make small cut in side of sack and cut and tie off vas deferens for normal vasectomy on one side. This done, I will attempt removal of the testicle on the same side. For further study, I'll amputate head of penis (closing the wound--leaving room for urethra tube). Then I'll attempt to study entire reproductive system by laying open entire untouched side of scrotum, and examine each part as I trace from the testicle, to the epididymis, back along the vas deferens, and cutting as needed to get back to the seminal vesicle, prostrate,and the urethra, following back out to amputated end of penis.
On a living subject I would attempt the amputation, the vasectomy, and the removal of one or both testicles. If exploratory surgery proves easy enough, I may even attempt removal of a seminal vesicle, or the prostrate, on a living subject as well. One subject, depending on physical reaction to operation, may or may not undergo various "operations."
Possible surgery combinations could be a minor one (vasectomy), followed by major (seminal vesicle or prostate, as these require going deep into the groin). Or it could be two somewhere in between (amputation of the penis head, and removal of a testicle). Also, removal of both testicles, one at a time,or together. Could also amputate entire scrotal sac as one major operation. Also try amputation of entire penis, or removal of all outer sex organs (to make him a her!).
Would like to videotape the exploratory, as well as future "operations," to use as future reference, to show "patients" what I'll be doing, or to "terrify" victims, if I wish to do so, but at this time (9-24-89/8:15 p.m.), I don't think I want to merely "terrify" them.
10:30 p.m. In surgery on live "patients," with or without "patient's" consent, they'll be tied down as Lee demonstrates for me in photo #5, in the pages to follow.
I could induce unconsciousness by keeping them up late, then giving them several sleeping pills, which would allow me to do things that may otherwise be painful for them.
午後10時30分 生きた「患者」に対する手術では、「患者」の同意の有無にかかわらず、この後のページで、写真5でリーが僕のために実演しているように、彼らは縛られることになる。
On a living subject I would attempt the amputation, the vasectomy, and the removal of one or both testicles. If exploratory surgery proves easy enough, I may even attempt removal of a seminal vesicle, or the prostrate, on a living subject as well. One subject, depending on physical reaction to operation, may or may not undergo various "operations."
Possible surgery combinations could be a minor one (vasectomy), followed by major (seminal vesicle or prostate, as these require going deep into the groin). Or it could be two somewhere in between (amputation of the penis head, and removal of a testicle). Also, removal of both testicles, one at a time,or together. Could also amputate entire scrotal sac as one major operation. Also try amputation of entire penis, or removal of all outer sex organs (to make him a her!).
Would like to videotape the exploratory, as well as future "operations," to use as future reference, to show "patients" what I'll be doing, or to "terrify" victims, if I wish to do so, but at this time (9-24-89/8:15 p.m.), I don't think I want to merely "terrify" them.
10:30 p.m. In surgery on live "patients," with or without "patient's" consent, they'll be tied down as Lee demonstrates for me in photo #5, in the pages to follow.
I could induce unconsciousness by keeping them up late, then giving them several sleeping pills, which would allow me to do things that may otherwise be painful for them.
午後10時30分 生きた「患者」に対する手術では、「患者」の同意の有無にかかわらず、この後のページで、写真5でリーが僕のために実演しているように、彼らは縛られることになる。
Monday, September 25, 1989
1:00 a.m. Poison would also work. (Drugs, poisons,antifreeze, alcohol--also good for anesthetic).
Saturday, September 30, 1989
11:15 p.m. Thoughts of getting Jeremy for a period of time,or custody of Ryan--could both be taught Lucifer's ways, and be an assistant to Lucifer, through me, until they're able to work on their own, or get too old and are used as a possible sacrifice-- but, as they'd grow with me, I may start having sex with boys/men that have hair on genitals or more likely share kids with them. 11:45 p.m. The last couple of days I've really been wanting a child. I hope something happens soon.
午後11時45分 ここ2、3日、僕は本当に子供が欲しくてたまらないんだ。早く何か起きないかな。
Friday, October 27, 1989
10:00 p.m. Have been working too much till now to get too excited about kids--also giving time for things to cool down.
10:20 p.m. The perfect time to "find" this boy would be on my way home from work Saturday (3:30-4:00 p.m.). That way I'd have him alive from 4:00 p.m. Saturday to 4:00 p.m. Sunday, at which time he'd be killed for experiments. I want to know if a dead boy can be given an erection by sucking his dick to pull in blood, and if so, will the body maintain the erection. I also want to get pictures of the dead boy hanging by various body parts. Also wanting to do my exploratory surgery.
午後10時 今まで仕事が忙しかったから、あまり子供について熱くなれず、冷静になる時間を作っている。
午後10時20分 この男の子を「見つける」のに最適な時間は、土曜日の仕事帰り(午後3時半から4時)だろう。そうすれば土曜日の午後4時から日曜日の午後4時まで彼を生かしておくことができる。その間に彼は実験用に殺されるだろう。僕は、死んだ男の子のディックをしゃぶって血を引き込むことで勃起させることができるのか、勃起を維持できるのか、知りたいんだ。 それから、死んだ少年が体のいろいろな部分でぶら下がっている写真も撮りたい。それと、僕の探索的手術もしたい。
10:35 p.m. I intend to have sex with him a time or two, or more if time allows, then kill for dead sex, photos, experiments,and the exploratory--using what I learn to later operate on live boys.
Perfect would be a 3-year-old to kill and a 6- 8-year-old to help with surgery. I'd later hang the nude 6- 8-year-old and photograph him dying. Just writing this makes me quite erect.
午後10時35分 僕は彼と1回か2回、時間が許せばもっとセックスするつもりだ。それからdead sex(屍姦)、写真、実験、探索のために殺す--僕が学んだことを後で生きた男の子の手術に使う。