This is a continuation of his previous diary (his record at that time).
Some of the misleading or important passages are annotated by me, the translator.
"I hate myself — those boys —I'd do anything no matter how much it hurt me, to bring them back."
Westley Allan Dodd
4:30 p.m. Nothing on way home. If I don't find one today or at movies tonight, I'll try a park in Portland tomorrow, where I hope hunting will be as it was at David Douglas Park in Incident #1.
午後4時30分 帰り道は何もない。今日や今夜の映画で見つからなければ、明日はポートランドの公園に行ってみようと思う。事件#1(Incident #1)のDavid Douglas Park(デイヴィッド・ダグラス・パーク)のように狩りができることを期待している。
午後4時52分 今からポートランドのOaks Pioneer Park(オークス・パイオニア・パーク)を観て(調べて)来る。
午後7時20分 今、ちょうど帰宅したところ。明日は数時間、公園で狩りをする予定だ。帰り道、午後6時20分頃、僕はとても暗い近所の学校(リッチモンド校)の周りで動きを見た--学校には明かりさえない。十代の若者と大人だった。大通りに戻る途中、僕は3人の小さな子どもを見た。戻ってみると、7〜9歳の子供が3人いた。僕は一回りして、一人は僕と一緒に来るように言って、他の二人は僕の車が見えないように反対方向に行かせ、近づくつもりだった。僕は、暗すぎて僕について詳しく説明できないと思った。僕が旋回(ぐるりと一周)し戻ると、彼らは消えていて、15分ほど捜索しても無駄だった。
7:29 p.m.to 10:45 p.m. Watched "The Bear" (at theater). Followed one boy to bathroom, intending to say, "Come with me" and take him out of the theater and to my apartment, but he was coming out as I went in. Should have known kids would go quick to get back to movie faster. I'll try again Sunday for two or three movies if I don't get a boy at the park in the morning.
午後7時29分から10時45分まで、映画館で「The Bear(子熊物語)」を観る。一人の男の子をトイレまで追いかけ、「僕と一緒においで」と言って映画館を出て、僕のアパートに連れて行くつもりだったが、僕が中に入ると、彼は出てきてしまった。子どもたちが早く映画に戻りたがっていることを察知すべきだった。僕は日曜日、午前中に公園で男の子を捕まえられなかったら、また2、3本の映画に再挑戦するつもりだ。
Sunday, October 29, 1989
12:43 p.m. Back at school. Three 8- 9-year-olds and one 4- or maybe 5-year-old. Circled school (drove around block) and thought an adult showed up with another 3- 4-year-old. Park on opposite side of school from kids--adult turned out to be only about 12-years-old. I stood against a pole. The big kid and his 3- 4-year-old brother left. Two 8- 9-year-olds were playing ball and heading toward the far end of the school. The other 8- 9-year- old was sitting on a post watching them, the backs of the older three toward me and the 4- 5-year-old playing on a mound 20 feet to my left.
午後12時43分 学校に戻る。8-9歳児3人と4-5歳児1人。学校を一周して(車でブロックを一周)、大人がもう一人の3-4歳児を連れて現れたように思った。学校の反対側にある公園で、大人は12歳くらいと判明。僕は柱(pole)にもたれて立っていた。大きな子供と3-4歳の弟が帰った。8-9歳の子供2人がボール遊びをしていて、学校の一番奥に向かった。もう一人の8-9歳児は支柱(post)に座って二人を観ていた。上の三人の背中は僕の方に向いていて、4-5歳児は僕の左6メートル(20フィート)先のマウンド(小さな丘)で遊んでいた。
I went up to the little boy and asked him if he wanted to "have some fun and make some money." He seemed unsure, but not scared. I said, "Come on--this will be fun," and reached out my hand. He took it and walked to the end of the building with me--we got out of sight of the other kids unseen. I told him as we kept walking, hand-in-hand, "we're going to get in my car."
He said, "I don't want any money." I picked him up and said,"We're still going--let's go ask your dad if you can go with me."
12:50 p.m. A couple blocks from the school I asked and he said his name was Lee, and he was 4-years-old. He started to cry a couple times, but I reached out and held his hand, assuring him he'd be okay, and that we'd have some fun.
午後12時50分 学校から数ブロックのところで尋ねると、彼はリーと名乗り、4歳だと答えた。彼は何度か泣き出したが、僕は手を伸ばして彼の手を握り、彼は大丈夫だと、そして僕たちはきっと楽しいことがあるんだと、保証してあげた。
1:30 p.m. We got to my house at 1:30 p.m. Both the landlady and the other tenant were gone. Perfect. I started to carry him from the car but he said, "I can walk," and I put him down.
1:32 p.m. Put polaroid film into the camera and took his picture as I found him.
午後1時半 午後1時半に家に着くと、大家ももう一人の入居者もいない。完璧だ。車から彼を抱っこして運ぼうとしたら、「僕、歩けるよ。」と言うから、僕は彼を降ろした。
1:33 p.m. Showed him my nude photo book.
午後1時33分 僕のヌード写真集を彼に見せる。
1:42 p.m. Immediately had him lay on his back and took photo #2. Untouched.
午後1時42分 すぐに彼を仰向けに寝かせ、写真#2を撮影。触れられない。(Untouched)
午後1時56分 3分間のオーラルの後、ベッドで、前戯のためお互い裸になって。
*Wesがここで"Sex"と表現している行為は、決して肛門への"強制的性交(挿入行為)"ではない。彼はだれ一人にも"生前の子ども"に対して(ペニスによる)挿入行為を行っていない。したがって、彼が子どもたちとの"Sex"と表現する行為は全て、彼が発明した"crotch fucked、股間ファック(股間で自分のペニスを擦る模擬性交)"と呼ばれる行為である。
*The act that Wes describes as "sex" here is in no way "forced anal intercourse. He did not perform penetration (with his penis) on any of his "living children. Therefore, all the acts he describes as "sex" with his children are what he calls "crotch fucked,(Simulated intercourse rubbing one's own penis between the legs)" an act of his own invention.
4:02 p.m. Lee wanted to open briefcase--back to pictures, put pictures of him in photo book.
午後4時2分 リーがブリーフケースを開けたいと言ってきた--写真に戻り、彼の写真をフォトブックに入れる。
At this point, Lee cried so hard that Wes "left the store in a hurry, telling the clerk a 'false story' that he was taking care of the child."
6:38 p.m. Lee's still playing. Will probably wait till morning to kill him. He suspects nothing now, and that way his body will still be fairly fresh for experiments after work (I'll suffocate him in his sleep when I wake up for work [if I sleep]).
午後6時38分 リーはまだ遊んでいる。おそらく殺すのは朝まで待つだろう。彼は今何も疑っていないし、そうすれば彼の身体は仕事の後の実験のためにまだかなりフレッシュ(新鮮)な状態にあるだろう(僕が仕事で目覚めるとき[僕がもし寝たら]、彼の睡眠中に窒息死させることになるだろう)。
6:40 p.m. Lee spilled hot coffee on him. I let him wear one of my shirts--it made his chest red.
午後6時40分 リーが熱いコーヒーをこぼした。僕は彼に僕のシャツを着せた--それは彼の胸を真っ赤にした。
7:48 p.m. Lee wanted to look at pictures again--he thumbed through album and kept looking up at me.
午後7時48分 リーがまた写真を見たがって--アルバムをめくりながら、彼はずっと僕を見上げている(見上げつづけた)。
9:00 p.m. Wants to "look at my pictures one more time"--He wants to see his nude photos, but doesn't want to do any more.
午後9時 「もう一回だけ僕の写真を観てみたい」--彼は自分のヌード写真は観たいのに、それ以上のことはしたくないようだ(やりたがらない)。
9:35 p.m. Bed. Asleep 9:45--had him nude by 10:00--me also.
午後9時35分 ベッド。9時45分に(彼を)寝かせる--10時には彼を裸にさせる--僕も(裸になる)。
Wes had planned to attempt "surgery" to amputate his genitals. However, he ultimately decided against it because he felt "sorry for Lee's pain.
Am waiting for 11:00 p.m. news and trying to decide best way of killing him--he'll either be choked, strangled, or suffocated. I don't want to leave marks on his neck but it must be quick and quiet.
Okay. News says he disappeared from a store (not where I got him at school).
Monday, October 30, 1989
2:00 a.m. He woke up--didn't seem to mind being nude. I pulled him up on top of me--his belly to mine, my cock in his crotch. He slept on top of me for half hour as I rubbed his back and butt. Was able to give him good erection as he slept.
午前2時 彼は目を覚ました--裸でいることを気にしていないようだった。僕は彼を僕の上に引き寄せた。彼のお腹と僕のお腹をくっつけ、僕のcock(ペニス)を彼の股間に挿れた。僕が彼の背中とお尻をさすっている間、30分ほど彼は僕の上で眠っていた。彼が眠っている間、彼に良い勃起をさせることができた。
2:45 a.m. He woke up. I made him suck me about five seconds before going back to sleep.
彼は言った。「No, you're not.(そんなことしないで。)」
4:20 a.m. Put rod into his dick--he woke and said, "What's in there?" when it was half way in. I put it in again under the covers.
午前4時20分 rod(棒)を彼のディック(ペニス)に挿れる--半分ほど入ったところで彼は目を覚まし "何が入ってるの?"と言った。僕はカバー(布団)の下でもう一度それを挿れた。
4:55 a.m. He woke as I fucked him and I let him watch me put the rod two-thirds into his cock--it hurt just a little, he said.
午前4時55分 僕が彼を(rodで)犯している間に彼は目を覚ましたから、僕が彼のcockにrodを3分の2まで挿れるところを見させる--ちょっと痛い、と彼は言った。
5:30 a.m. Crawled over him, him on his back, me on his left side leaning into him. My body pinned his right arm under pillow and his head--holding his left wrist up by pillow.
午前5時30分 彼の上に這い、彼は仰向けになり、僕は彼の左側から彼にもたれかかった。僕の身体は、彼の右腕を枕の下に(押さえつけて)固定し、彼の頭--彼の左手首を枕で握り(押さえ)つづけて(保持し)動けないように(固定)した。
Thus totally pinned, I choked him with my right hand. He got his legs loose. I had to hold my hand very tight on his neck. I held for about fifteen seconds after he quit struggling. He lay motionless. After about twenty seconds I blew into his mouth once to see if he was revivable. Decided not but he started slow gasps about twenty seconds after that. I choked him for about another minute before he was still again. He started to gasp again and opened his eyes. I grabbed a rope and put around his neck as he lay breathing shallowly but unconscious. I tightened the rope and picked him upright with the rope. His chest was heaving but he wasn't getting air. Keeping rope tight with right hand I picked him up under his butt and carried him to the closet, holding him up by just the rope as I moved clothes aside.
I then held his butt up with left hand as I tied rope to the clothes bar and hung him, at 5:35 a.m., so I wouldn't get tired of a grip and maybe let him breath again. He hung about ten minutes as I took picture #7 and cleaned up the room.
そして、僕は左手でお尻を支えながら、ロープを洋服掛け(the clothes bar)に結び、午前5時35分に彼を吊るした。僕は握り疲れないように、そしておそらく(もしかしたら)、彼に再び呼吸をさせることができるようにした。僕が7枚目(#7)の写真を撮り、部屋を片付けている間、彼は10分ほど吊るされていた。
At 5:45 a.m. I cut the rope and lay him on the bed. I sucked his cock a little and shoved my cock into his mouth to fuck him that way,but I had a bad angle and gave up. I checked for heartbeat and breathing, then put him up on a shelf in the closet behind some blankets and a sleeping bag. I'll do more after work.
午前5時45分 僕はロープを切り、彼をベッドに寝かせた。僕は彼のペニスに少ししゃぶりつき、僕のcockを彼の口に押し込んで、その方法で彼を犯そうとしたが、角度が悪く、諦めた。僕は心拍と呼吸を確認し、それからいくつかの毛布と寝袋の後ろにあるクローゼットの棚に彼を置いた。仕事が終わったら、僕はもっとやるんだ。
5:10 p.m. He is rather gross-looking--cold, stiff, and purple. I was going to try butt fucking him, but now not sure I could if I wanted to....
午後5時10分 彼はかなり気持ち悪い顔をしている--冷たく、硬く、そして紫色だ。僕は彼のお尻をファックして(犯して)みようと思ったんだけど、今となってはしたいかどうかわからない......
5:16 p.m. See photos #8 and #9. Will now try to loosen him up a little as well as get his body temperature via his butt.
午後5時25分 彼は普通の熱体温計には冷たすぎる--彼のお尻に刺すことができる電球付きの室内/室外温度計があればいいのだが。
午後5時30分 ほら (写真#10) 死んだ男の子たちがどれほど強固(硬直している)か観てくれ--これは僕が彼の脚をほぐした後だ!
He drove to a dock near the Pac Paper plant, and discarded Lee in the brush near Vancouver Lake.
6:40 p.m. Burned his socks, shirt, sweater, and pants.
He burned the child's clothing in a barrel in his backyard, except for Lee's little Ghostbusters underwear, which he stashed away in his briefcase under the bed.
Wednesday, November 1, 1989
On the morning of November 1, 1989, a pheasant hunter discovered Lee at Vancouver Lake.The investigators were shocked and dismayed to see the little boy dumped alongside some garbage, so ruthlessly discarded.
(The following entry consists of Dodd's planning of "Incident #3," but is incomplete because his plans were abruptly halted when he was arrested after attempting to abduct a young boy from a Camas, Washington theater.)
Friday, November 10, 1989
*Wesは映画"The Mission"で観た先住民族の子どもたちの裸を観ながら自慰を行ったり、彼らと一緒に暮らす妄想をしたりしていた。即ち、『Oriental (two strikes against)東洋人(二重の不利な状態)』とは、"外国人である彼ら"にとって、自分(Wes)が"受け容れられる可能性"の低さを彼自身が意識していたかもしれないんだ。それは単に「人種差別意識」によるものではないと考えられる。
5:25 p.m. Now going to Camas--will check out local parks before movie.
This is where Dodd's diary ended--he was apprehended later that evening after attempting to abduct a young boy from a Camas,Washington theater.Gary C. Kingドッドの日記は、ここで終わる--彼はこの日の夜遅く、ワシントン州Camasの映画館から少年を誘拐しようとした後、逮捕される。
Because he didn't want to hurt the boy or cause him any pain, he said he waited until after the boy was dead before engaging in anal intercourse.I don't deserve anything better than those kids got. They didn't get a nice, neat, painless, easy death. Why should I?少年を傷つけたくなかったし、苦痛を与えたくなかったから、死ぬのを待ってから肛門性交に及んだ。僕はあの子たちが得たものより、良いものを得る資格はない。彼らは綺麗で、きちんとした、痛みのない安らかな死ではなかったんだ。何故、僕がそれを得るのか?
Why was he telling me that? I hear the boys asking "Why are you doing this?" I can cry for them all now.
Westley Allan Dodd (July 3, 1961 - January 5, 1993)
ビリーが"I'm sorry.(ごめんなさい。)"
ウェストリー・アラン・ドッド(1961年7月3日 - 1993年1月5日)